Friday, January 13, 2012

French Country Hutch

Each curve of this piece is adorned with elegant cottage charm.  Finished in a smooth cream then aged with glaze and distressing which reveals the rich brown undertones in the oak.  This piece will look beautiful just about anywhere in your home. 
Dimensions: 84" tall x 65" wide x 17" deep
{ SOLD }


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  2. Such a this piece looks so lovely. I also purchase this one for my home and this furniture quality is really excellent. I impressed by that product.

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  3. I love reading forums on restoration, gives me such great ideas for my home. I like reading about restoration on this site as well

  4. I really love this post same as the post that I read about furniture refinishing orange county. Nice one! Thanks for having me here.

  5. I know my wife would love to have these! We've been interested in doing furniture restoration ever since we got married. It just seems so homely to have furniture like this.

  6. Beautiful work! I would like to decorate my home like this but I don't have the time to do it myself. Do you know of anyone who can do refurbishing furniture at State College, PA? Keep it up, can't wait to see more.

  7. How did the cabinet come out? I bet it looked a lot better afterwards. I am trying to restore my piano. It is sounding bad and the legs need to be replaced.

  8. My brother in law and sister are looking to restore a cabinet looking thing like this. They've gotten pretty far on it but can't decide on a color. I'll have to show them this and see if this can give them any ideas.

  9. Wow! You did such a great job on this!
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